Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Firefox 3

For those looking to work on Firefox 1.9 Trunk, you can use CVS to download the source code in the same fashion as my post on "Building Firefox in Windows".
Basically, you just run the start-msvc8.bat located in the c:\mozilla-build directory (this directory is installed when you run the Mozilla Build setup package 1.1).
Then when the MSYS console window opens you just need to:

Create a new directory in c:\
mkdir ff3project

Navigate into the directory
cd ff3project

Login to the Mozilla CVS mirror and get the make file
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot co -r HEAD mozilla/client.mk

Download the source code using the make file
make -f client.mk checkout MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browser

I personally chose to keep the project in a seperate directory from my project. However, the choice is really yours.

Fore more information on CVS tags check out CVS Tags at developer.mozilla.org.

1 comment:

Simon said...

I can't seem to tell the difference between this and my previous build. Any comments would help on this.