Thursday, October 18, 2007

Watching a Bugzilla User

For my weekly assignment, I decided to watch Vlad for a week. It was quite interesting to see how many e-mails I would get on a daily basis. In fact, I recieved emails faster than and in more quantity then the spam that goes to my mail. From it, I believe that my user, more or less, watches specific types of bugs. Most of the e-mails I recieved about bugs were on things related to graphics. Not sure if that's the right term; however, most of the subjects were on things like SVG, APNG, CGBITMAPS, canvas, etc....

I actually found most of the bugs interesting and hope that probably in the future I may be more involved in trying to fix them. For now, I will basically do research and learn more there is to all things Moz.

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